
Valley Of Angels 2oo8

West Los Angeles - home of the young, rich and hip. It is also home to twenty-five year old Zachary "Zeus" Andrews. Transplanted from Chicago as a kid, Zeus never fit into the hip LA culture. As a way to make a living in his undesirable world, Zeus peddles drugs to wealthy kids. He desperately seeks the path on which his destiny lies - that is until he meets a girl who seems to transcend the shallow culture they inhabit. She gives him the purpose he has long sought. But the reality of the gritty drug culture explodes into Zeus' life in the most shattering of ways. He must find a way out of his current existence within a very dangerous world to reach a place of enlightenment he so desperately seeks.

===== File Info =====
FileSize : 699M
PlayTime : 01:39:56.640
VideoCount : 1
AudioCount : 1
===== Video Info =====
Video 0# Stream
VideoCodec : XVID
VideoWidth : 608 pixels
VideoHeight : 352 pixels
VideoFrameRate : 25fps
VideoFrameCount : 149916
VideoBitRate : 0
===== Audio Info =====
Audio 0# Stream
AudioCodec : MP3
AudioBitRate : 170024
AudioChannels : 2
AudioSampleRate : 48000


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